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Balcony Schedule

March 29, 2019


Stacks 18/19 will begin on May 1st.

Hopefully done in 12 - 16 weeks!




UPDATED: October 3rd

Stacks 12/13 complete

Stacks 14/15 began 08-28. Demolition complete... new forming begun. Complete December 15th

Stacks 16/17 began 06-04. Complete except for shutters.

Stacks 18/19 begin 04-01-19 - complete by July 15th, 2019.


UPDATED: September 9th

I have not been given any updates to put on the site.


UPDATED: August 4th


The manufacturer of the railings could not get them to our contractors on time for stacks 12/13.

The contractors agreed to install temporary rails so the balconies can be used.

Shutters can then be installed. The railings are expected to arrive around August 15th and will take a couple days to install. Painting is complete.

(seems all the issues and problems to solve for the board and contractors fell on stacks 12/13)


Stacks 16/17 - Progressing along smoother, though some special conditions of the 2nd floor balcony which is the ceiling for the pump/fire room. As of now, the expected completion of everything is September 14th... with 1 week of curing before using)


Stacks 14/15 - Crews begin when permanent railings complete on 12/13... hopefully middle of August


Stacks 18/19 - Should begin middle of September when 16/17 complete


With no bad weather (especially hurricanes) still hoping for the first week of December for completion of balconies.

* IMPORTANT - Once the balconies are completed, no other finishes or products allowed including carpet, tile, etc... per warranty requirements.




UPDATED:  July 4th

Read below for NEW (updated) schedule

(check back the beginning of each month for updates)



These are all approximate dates and will update as we are told by the foreman. 

Heavy rain, a hurricane watch or worse, and actual hurricane will change these dates.

    - in the event of a hurricane, all areas being worked on will be boarded up by the construction crew.

There are now 2 crews going to be working to give us every chance possible to be done before Christmas (and if no weather delays, all balconies should be complete by Thanksgiving)

The foreman decided that it will be faster and easier to start the 2nd crew on stacks 16 - 17.


How construction works - 

Every other floor (ie- 2nd, 4th and 6th floors) the concrete is removed on both sides of the stack.

Once that is complete, the new balconies are formed with concrete.

Then the remaining floors are done.

It will take approximately 6 weeks to do one floor - 12 weeks total for the 2 stacks.

Then after everything is complete, it takes 1 week of "curing" before the tenant is allowed to walk on the patio.

** Metal furniture is NOT allowed. Wood or plastic furniture ONLY.


Stacks 12 - 13

        Should be completed by July 20th. 1 week of curing.


Stacks 14 - 15

         Work begins when 12 - 13 complete. July 23rd estimate

         Should be completed by October 26th. Then 1 week of curing.


Stacks 16-17

         Work has begun.

         Should be completed by September 7th. then 1 week of curing.


Stacks 18 - 19

         Work begins when 16 - 17 are done. September 10th estimate.

         Should be complete by November 30th






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